Building Beautiful iOS Apps with TDD – A first look at Neat Trivia [S01 Extras]
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We are very excited to share with you our new app, Neat Trivia – a multiplayer trivia game for iOS!
Neat Trivia is a fork of the Quiz App we created during the Professional iOS Engineering Season 1 series. It was built with TDD, modular design and all disciplines demonstrated throughout the series which allows us to have confidence in our rapid release cycles, fast feedback with automated tests, and build processes that help us focus on what’s important: improving the game experience and adding new features for our players to have fun.
The goal of the game is to answer all questions correctly, as fast as possible. Your score is calculated based on the number of correct answers, the time elapsed to answer each question and the bonus you earned for correct answers in a row. At the end of each match, the player with the most points wins the game.
You can play against other players around the world as soon as you open the app. There is no registration required.
Neat Trivia also allows you to challenge your friends or nearby players through Game Center, regardless if you have an internet connection. You can play over the internet and even offline if you are on the same Local Area Network or via Bluetooth.
If you find yourself without an internet connection and no one to play with we've got you covered. Meet 🤖 Neatbot, Neat Trivia's dear but fiercely competitive AI.
When the game is over, take advantage of the results breakdown to learn and see how you and your opponent performed. You'll find a full analysis of all the correct and wrong answers, the scores, the elapsed time and the bonuses. The results breakdown is an excellent way to review and improve your game.
Download Neat Trivia now
You can download Neat Trivia from the App Store today at